If your life or someone elses is at risk right now
If you or someone else has an active plan to take your or their own life or have seriously harmed yourself or themeslves, you need urgent medical help. Please:
Call 999 for an ambulance
Go straight to A&E, if you can
If you can't do this by yourself, ask someone to help you.
Mental health emergencies are serious. You're not wasting anyone's time.
Crisis Support

Crisis Cafe

The Mental Health Number
If you find yourself in crisis or need support with your mental health, we are here to listen and help you in your time of need. Our cafés have professional mental health workers who can offer you a safe space. Our aim is to support people to reduce any immediate crisis and to safety plan; drawing on strengths, resilience, and coping mechanisms to manage their mental health and wellbeing.
There is no need to call, just drop in to find a safe place with hope and comfort and find your pathway to recovery
What you need to know:
Anyone can access this service, provided you are over 18 years of age. Under 18?
There is no need to call and book an appointment, simply drop in.
We provide a warm, safe, and calm environment.
Whatever degree of distress you are experiencing our cafe is here to support you.
The cafe workers are a mix of Mind and NHS workers and will offer you support and advice.
We work in partnership with the NHS giving you access to NHS services if you need them.

For local support and services give the countywide Mental Health number a call, anytime of the day or night.
The number is 0800 448 0828.
Lines are free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for urgent mental health support. Our Mind navigators are available for signposting and advice about local services from 8am-8pm.
More information
NHFT and Northamptonshire Mind's 24/7 mental health support number is here for you and has been designed as a single point of contact for simplicity and ease of access. Call one number for all your mental health needs in the county. Trained staff will help you find the right support, whether it's from the NHS, the voluntary and community sector, or advice over the phone.
It's open to everyone in Northamptonshire, regardless of whether they're currently receiving mental health treatment. Existing service users can use the number to contact their support service and speak to someone out of hours, while healthcare professionals can refer their patients to services for support.